Wednesday, June 27, 2007

second day

I played alot of hands today close to 5000. I probably wont be playing much more til sunday cuz I am out doing stuff all weekend. I had a couple dumb hands that I played terribly. This guy was a 42/0 but only over 20 hands. I thought the ace was a good card to two barrel along with picking up a flush draw but then i went for a 3barrel and it didnt turn out so well.
I thought this was a misclick utg. would you guys just fold this pre? I was pretty confused and decided to "hope" that he had misclicked.
I think preflop is questionable in this hand but I really do not know what to do here on this river. this guy was a 33/6 over 100 hands. i do not feel i played this hand well and should have raised more on the flop.
here is a wtf hand
this is a fun little cooler from a 51/8 over 180 hands. I definitely should have raised more on the flop and I think that costly error set this up.

I appreciate the comments. My email is and my aim is the same lilbr0wn22 if you guys wanna discuss hands over that too. Hope to see you guys get some hands up and I will see if I can give some help.


Malinois said...

Hand 1: I don't really like the double barrel here, and feel the river bluff is a total spew. Check the turn, take a free shot at your flush. He's called a big turn bet, and the river card didn't change anything. You're trying to bluff out someone who is a 42/0, probably not the best idea. Also, is raising 54s OTB with a limper a standard play?

Hand 2: I don't really see misclicks that often.

Hand 3: His flop bet is very small. He doesn't raise very much, and he's raising from UTG. Everything seems to be pointing to him having a good hand. Do you feel you have the best hand on this flop? The flop checkraise isn't horrible, but I think your turn bet needs to be smaller.

Hand 4: Was there a question you had about this hand? Looks fine.

Hand 5: Bigger flop bet, you are OOP against a lot of players. As it played out, it didn't really matter, your opponent played really badly, and ended up with a winner.

DODGYKEN said...

Hand 1: I think the raise pre-flop is fine here. It gives the benefit of getting a heads-up pot where you don't need to make a hand to take it down. I think the 2nd barrel is OK here. If he has a Q he may well fold it as it looks like the A helped your hand. Unfortunately he had A9 this time - if he had K9 he has to fold here, and he probably folds even QJ or similar. I agree that once he calls your turn bet you may as well check behind on the river. It's unlikely he's going to be folding here. The only hand that folds is a missed draw and you'll actually be ahead of some of these with your pair.

Hand 2: It's difficult to know what to do here. I'd fold mainly because of your position and you don't want someone to wake up with a hand behind you. This is obviously a ridiculous bet but he could still have overcards to your pair and it's not worth taking the gamble here.

Hand 3: Definitely raise more on the flop - make it $12 ish I'd say. Once he calls I think I'd probably check the turn. I think I'd be calling a bet on the turn but it depends on how he'd been playing and the size of his bet. On the river I think a check-fold is best as played. You could also argue to just call the flop but I think a check-raise is good.

Hand 4: I might have been tempted to 3-bet the flop here although it probably would have folded the guy out in this hand.

Hand 5: Yep, bet $13-15 ish into this pot I think. You want to charge a draw and hopefully get an A tagging along/raising you. I think I like check-calling the river in this hand - this gives him a chance to bluff a missed draw. He might value bet a hand like AJ/AQ too. Your bet is only really going to get called by a better hand or maybe AJ/AQ.

All I do with is copy the link from the address bar and paste it into my blog entry. This seems to work fine.


SHERIDAN said...

Hand 1
Agreed the river bluff is total spew, i would probably be folding this pre flop unless the table is really tight, I think this should be a reminder that ABC poker is the way to beat low limits.

Hand 2
I would be folding

Hand 3
I think the fold on the river is fine..I would check the turn and hope to see the flush for free.

Hand 4

Looks good

Hand 5

need to bet closer to the size of the pot on the flop