Tuesday, June 26, 2007

first poker post getting started early

So I decided to get started early. I played a quick little 1k hand session tonight. was a tad over two hours. won about $62. bb/100 was 3.18. was up alot the whole session then lost two quick buyins at the end overall kind of frustrated some key hands...
this is such a easy fold i really hate minraises though http://www.pokerhand.org/?1211634
this hand i was convinced he was on a draw... do you guys make this call. i was right and lost but thats besides the point. are you guys calling here against an unknown http://www.pokerhand.org/?1211638
this guy is a 31/10 over 160 hands a terrible player i have to raise this river right??? http://www.pokerhand.org/?1211649
probably the worst hand i played. i really hate jj oop. i was confused by the smooth call pre. his stack is awkward in that any bet i feel like i have to call his shove. please comment on all streets. he was also a 24/10 over 37 hands so a small sample size http://www.pokerhand.org/?1211652

something that i feel i need to work on is b3b. i hardly ever do this and really want to add it to my arsenal. so therefore i need to do this with strong and weak hands i think this is a hand that i should be doing this with. how would you guys feel about a b3b on this hand instead of a c/r http://www.pokerhand.org/?1211655

gotta love the 68/43 guy over 100 hands http://www.pokerhand.org/?1211661

if any full ringers want me to look at there blog this month just leave me a comment wtih a link to there blog and also feel free to comment on hands yourself. edit how do i get it so you can just click on the pokerhand link and it takes you there??


9 said...

Hey, Some interesting hands you have here. W/JJ out of the blinds i would have either 3bet more to like 20 to discourage action from Ax or smaller PP looking to stack you, or just simply called the initiial raise.

Once you get called the range you have to assign to the caller is

KK( if he is passive enough to not 4 bet)
JJ(rare since you hold the other 2)
TT(probably the lowest pair he calls you with)

Once that flop comes, your hand is in pretty bad shape and basically a bluff to make him fold KK and QQ. Againts a full stack I probably would have c/f or bet about 1/2 pot. I might like 1/2 pot becasue if he does have KK or QQ he might convince himself that you have AK annd are trying to extract. Further, if he simply calls you can give up the hand and not lose anymore. However, since he is so short this might not work since he will push for his remaining 25 but i still dont like the overbet all in 50 into the 38 i believe.

With the AQ I dont think i raise the river. My thought process would be liek this.

WEll he bet the 1st Q and I called, he bet the 2nd Q he must put me on at least a Q or a draw. IF he does not have anything and i raise, he will probably fold unless he slow played a flopped set in which case he will re raise me and i will vomit. If he has KQ or JQ or even AQ he will probably just call and not re re raise, so at least I am getting value from KQ and JQ.

Before I start rambling, I some it up like this, in spots like this, if I am not comfortable folding to a re raise, I just call behind.

With AA I am 100% raising flop

WIth KK, I hate min raises too so i probably end up calling as well. Though i doubt that is the correct play.

I also am a Full RInger Pistol78.blogspot.com

Dont forget to join the google group

As far as adding links, when you are making your post there is a button that says "insert link"

chris said...

with the queens hand i do not think i raise the river in case he slowplayed a big hand. He has to have a hand to bet the second queen since you called when the first one came out. You also get value out of him having a hand that you beat.

With the jacks hand i hate playing it oop. I would either reraise more or play for set value. Though folding jacks when miss your set with no overcards might be weak not sure though.

With the kings hand i hate the minraises so i probably call, but would not be happy about it. Fold to a bet on the river.

I also play fullring my blog is